
Timo Kramp, based in Willemstad (Curaçao), started Kindly Made almost 3 years ago. Kindly Made is a branding bureau which focusses on brand development and packaging design. Inspired by Timo’s personal choice to adopt a vegan lifestyle, Kindly Made exclusively works together with vegan and plant-based brands. Because of this niche focus, they mostly work together with businesses in the food- and drink-industry. Together we have worked on the visual identity for Arapaha, including logo’s, brand identity, fonts, and more.


Timo’s goal is to inspire. To show people that we can live the lifestyle of our choosing, without having to sacrifice the natural environment. That a rich life is possible whilst making sustainable choices. Timo wants to inspire people in a positive way as he believes a sustainable lifestyle can be easy. Because according to Timo, all of the solutions and innovations already exist. The only thing people need to do is embrace them.


By supporting sustainable and plant-based brands. By only working with businesses that share the same vision and goal. One of the sustainable steps that Kindly Made has taken is to work from home. Timo argues that emissions from travelling to and from work, outweigh the benefits from having an office. Furthermore, working in an environment where you feel comfortable helps with creative work. Through steps like these Timo believes we can have a positive impact on the environment and on other people.


Timo hopes that we will find a way to continue life as it is now, in a sustainable way. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but we can show people how to make small changes that have a big impact. And according to Timo, a positive attitude will take you a long way in inspiring others to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.

Timo's work

Want to learn more about Timo? You can learn more about his work here.